Wednesday, December 3, 2008

An Unenviable Position

On high steel horse, a monarch flies home;
Head of country, our state, must set orderly tone.
For while Mother’s away her children cause strife.
Beware those who’ve snapped, they carry a knife.

Ancient authority to exercise, atrophied muscles must flex,
No rubber stamp is at hand; this game’s much too complex.
Puzzle pieces are broken, all bent and all mangled;
Even Spider admits, the strands have all tangled.

Old, forgotten, dusty halls -
Where prerogative powers evolve-
A discretion misplaced
‘Ere meant to be erased.

A ceremony of splendor, her appointment did promise,
Traveling tours of the globe, but ministers are amiss.
Pageantry postponed; the want of an answer,
Parliament’s dilemma to solve with the grace of a dancer.

All eyes to the Governor! She approaches the stand;
The public to face, the politicians, their demand.
The figure of authority, sets the pace with a glance.
But what others can’t see is that shit stains her pants!


Anonymous said...

His eyes are bloodshot,
His fingers are stiff.
He should now be studying,
That man we call Griff.

But instead we find him
Blogging away
Wishing he could mold
Politions from clay.

His opinions are bold,
yet they ring with truth.
Will we get a coalition
or head to a booth.

But the real question
that I have today
Is will Jon start to study
Or continue to play?

Griffster said...

lol cute...

kyle said...

did I miss something? Is today rhyme day? I am not going to even attempt to outdo these two solid displays of Shakespearian meter.

Go GG! Save us from our insanity!

Anonymous said...

Hmmm...I think I'd rather be Seuss-ish. Much better endings! That Shakespeare...not so much for things all working out in the end.

I think that Griffiths' are just a little on take things too far side of the world.

kyle said...

Lol, we all have to be something, and I would rather take Dr. Seuss rhymes. Although, I have to disagree about the Shakespearian ending. The thought of locking some of these politicians in a room with knives and poison and letting them go at each other is sickly appealing. I would give 2 to 1 odds that Dion is the first to go :)

Anonymous said...

My bet to win is on Elizabeth May. She looks like she could kick all their butts.

Griffster said...

Haha - I agree, Shakespeare is way cooler! All the backstabbing, rivals a Liberal Party convention.

I dunno, wouldn't count Dion out... he has some rage begging to get out... always beware kid who's been pushed too far.